It is with the greatest pleasure that I have the opportunity to write the first editorial of the Mechanobiology Journal.…
Background. The subchondral epiphyseal bone plate between the epiphysis and the growth plate cartilage is formed by an unknown process.…
This research discusses the importance of Islamic education in social interactions in order to realize the civil society in Soppeng…
This study aimed to analyze the essence of humans as pedagogic beings by focusing on optimizing fitrah, hearing, sight, and…
The main focuses in this study are 1) Islamic educational values contained in QS Luqman/31: 1-9; 2) fostering cognitive, affective,…
This research discusses the role of educational administration, in this case, the learning device as an effort to increase Islamic…
Este trabajo propone revisar ciertos mitos acerca del rol que habrían tenido tanto el Chief Justice John Marshall como su…
En los Estados Unidos, el hábeas corpus es, esencialmente, una acción civil planteada ante los tribunales federales, cuyo objeto es…
The purpose of this study was to analyze and describe: (1) Various efforts made by Islamic education teachers to habituation…